Wholesale Water Supply
Lebanon Utilities (LU) in collaboration with Citizens Energy Group (CEG) and the Indiana Finance Authority (IFA) plans to construct infrastructure to provide up to 25 million gallons of water per day to support regional growth.
Why is this project necessary?
An additional water supply for Lebanon is necessary to support residential, commercial, and industrial development projects within the Lebanon Civil and LEAP Innovation Districts in addition to providing redundancy and resiliency to the existing Lebanon Utilities Water System.
Will the project be constructed in phases?
Yes, the project will be completed in phases to provide additional water supply:
Phase 1 (2027) – up to 2 MGD
Phase 2 (2028) – up to 10 MGD
Phase 3 (2031) – up to 25 MGD
Where is the additional water coming from?
Water will be purchased wholesale by LU from the CEG similar to many other communities in Central Indiana including the City of Indianapolis. The CEG Water System is a robust regional water system that includes ten treatment plants which draw and treat water multiple water resources including the White River, Fall, reservoirs, and groundwater wells.
Will water rates be impacted by the project?
The rates for current LU customers will not be impacted by the project. The infrastructure is being funded through loans from the Drinking Water State Revolving Loan Fund administered by the IFA. Repayment of those loans will come from sewer rates within the LEAP Innovation District.
What will be constructed in Phase 1?
A Connection Point with CEG will be established that includes a 2-million-gallon ground storage tank and a pressure booster station in the vicinity of the intersection of CR 250 South and CR 200 East. Around 48,500 feet of large diameter water transmission lines will convey water from the CEG Connection Point to the existing LU Water System. A 2-million-gallon elevated storage tank will be constructed south of SR 32. Refer to the mapping provided on the backside of this Information Page for additional details on the alignment of the Phase 1.infrastructure improvements
Are there public impacts during construction?
Impacts to the general public during the construction of Phase 1 are anticipated to be minimal, but there will be periodic closures along the route to install water main road crossings. LU is working with the City of Lebanon and Boone County to develop Maintenance of Traffic Plans to minimize these potential impacts.
Where can I get more information?
LU – Wholesale Water Supply Program – Phase 1 – Info Page – 011825

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